Warwick Special Education Advisory Committee

Welcome to the WSEAC Home Page! We are glad that you visited.

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Our mission - We facilitate collaborate and communication between students, parents, staff, the Warwick School Committee, and the community in order to promote inclusion, understanding of, respect for, and support of all students with disabilities in our school community.

Our purpose - We provide direct input to school district leaders about policies, programs, practices, and services that have an impact on students with disabilities and their families. We can help:

  • Improve educational outcomes

  • Identify unmet needs

  • Provide an avenue for families to share their input in ways that provide an opportunity to shape local special education policy

  • Share resources and information from government education leaders to support families as they navigate the educational process

Our membership and Our committee - Includes parents, students, teachers, administrators, school committee members, therapists, and anyone else with a concern for our children who receive special education services.

Our Meeting Time - Our meetings are held at the Warwick Public Library, typically on the last Wednesday of every month, from 6pm - 7:30pm. The confirmed date and meeting agendas are listed below.

The WSEAC is interested in what is happening with all children, in all Warwick schools, in the area of special education. Since we focus on shared goals and priorities that benefit all students with disabilities, we are unable to address each parent’s personal individual concerns during our limited meeting time.

Where can I find the latest meeting agendas and meeting minutes for the Warwick Special Education Advisory Committee? Meeting dates, agendas, meeting minutes, and previous meeting recordings are listed below.

Meeting cancellation policy - When Warwick Public Schools are closed due to weather related issues, there will be no WSEAC meeting. Check this website for up to the minute meeting information.

For more information - Please contact us or visit the following websites below

Rhode Island Department of Education

Rhode Island Parent Information Network

Warwick IEP 101 Presentation`